So, there has been a lot of talk all about ME on the blog. I mean, DUH, it is a blog about all the stuff I LOVE, {and we all know I'm AWESOME so all the things I LOVE are awesome} but since I've been laying low these last few days*, I wanted to take a minute to talk to you guys about a really special little girl.

Her name is Tay, and my foster mom will not shut up about her. She is pretty much all she has talked about since she got home from the shelter yesterday. Apparently she is "gorgeous" and "kind" and her "dream dog"** and "looks like a a BEAR FOX" and is "snuggly" and "adorable" and all this other nonsense.

She was surrendered to the shelter with FOUR other dogs who all looked like her, all shepherd/chow mixes {two breeds my foster mom "desperately loves"}. She was brought in for some dumb reason like her former "family" had a baby or some other nonsense. The other dogs were bigger than her, but she is a really tiny adorable thing, only like 35 lbs. She gets along great with other dogs, and used to live with cats, and loves people and is very calm and quiet and sweet.

There was a really awesome adoption event this weekend at the shelter and 58 cats and 32 dogs (dudes. SO. AWESOME.) were adopted by really amazing families, even her four brothers! But, for some reason, Tay was not.
If you want to show people her Petfinder page, it is
here. If you know anyone who is interested in her, either email the shelter volunteers at the address provided on her Petfinder page, or head down to ACCT asap. Please tell your friends and family about her, too, because she needs a really great home, and for some reason my foster mom keeps thinking it should be ours. {I took a poll, and while my foster mom and foster dad seem to think it is a good idea to take her home, Rollie, Opus and I DO NOT. So, if anything, do it for me.}
*Oh, you didn't
hear? I got neutered. I KNOW. Unbelievable. I'm still reeling a little from the shock. Care packages in my honor can be sent to me via my foster parents. I accept all manner of gifts, but steaks and foie gras are especially appreciated.
**WHAT??! I am not her dream dog?!? Well I never.
She totally looks like my girl!! I found this page when googling malinois/chows. I'm sure my girl is a Malinois, and she looks like a border collie, but she is so small for both breeds, standing only 17.5" tall and only 35 lbs. Think she has chow in her based on the tail. Looks identical to this girl, only little smoother a coat and likes to be kept shaved (she lives in CA and hates the warm weather). Hope she found a great home!